Real Records for Media™

ICC 'Out of This World' ft. Sean Paul & KES

Ozzie Pullin
Production Company:

We worked with Jamaican dancehall king Sean Paul and Trinidadian soca star Kes to create a global anthem for the 2024 ICC T20 Men's World Cup! With the tournament co-hosted between the USA and the West Indies, the ICC (International Cricket Council) was looking to capture the carnival spirit of the Caribbean and share it with the world! 🌏🏝 UK agency MATTA enlisted our team to handle research, A&R, creative production of the anthem, and contracting of all artist talent. 'Out Of This World' was produced by Tano, mixed by Josh Gudwin, and mastered by Dave Kutch. The record is out now and streaming on all platforms, supported by a music video shot on-location in Jamaica, directed by Ozzie Pullin.

PRoject breakout

Click below to stream on Spotify...

And here's an incredible BTS snippet from the video shoot in Jamaica, for the hardcore Sean Paul fans. We've all heard Sean's legendary song tag, "Sean da Paul", in all of his hits records - but what you may not know is that he's actually saying "Chanderpaul", which is a nod to the revered Guyanese cricketer, Shivnarine Chanderpaul - and a crazy tie in to this project! Incredibly, the two men formally met for the first time at the video shoot! 🤝🤯

Here's Sean speaking on the anthem itself - and how it truly celebrates his beloved Caribbean cricket culture. Bare vibes! 🔥

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